
by jan holmberg

the game the world has been waiting for!

Amazing toilet proof memory puzzle game. New random maze every time. Level up equals more tiles to memorise. See what size of maze your brain can tackle?!

The rules are simple:

1. memorise the maze, one tile at a time

2. to solve the maze, start on green, stop on red, visit all yellow

3. tweet your result to show off

Play, enjoy and feel those brain cells grow!


PS. For those who hate puzzle games and maze games in particular, buy a copy, forget the amazing playability, colours and design and just enjoy the groovy jazz tune! (You could also use the twitter button to tweet that you are a mosquito brain for not liking the game, but that is of course optional ;)

PPS. For those who master this app please check out memorize-the-maze, originally developed for the german market, but which also adds to the difficulty by letting one view each tile once only, in order to level up!

"It is never too late to start mazing. /mug15"

dj mug

probably the most famous dj in the 8-bit galaxy.

Greetings from mugsoft,

The dark months are here again and it is super important for all commuters to be visible. I know you all have proper lights on your bike's and wear refractors when you go out for a late evening stroll, but every now and then we people tend to forget those lights and lamps at home and that is where this little app will come in handy. We never go anywhere without our beloved iPhone now do we :)

This app does nothing but make your iPhone blink red and white. Bright red with 100% brightness on approx. 30% of the main display as a "taillight" and full camera flash to simulate a "headlight". The flash frequency and flash intensity can be adjusted under settings.

Turn it on, keep the iPhone in one hand, camera facing forward, while walking or bicycling (I know be careful and don't drop it!)

"No fuzz just hi-vis!"




PS. if you like what you see, feel free to make a small donation in Bitcoin or Litecoin, thanx!

BTC: 3Q7E78CHrzxsdLfLrP2h9628H1SQ1sxTYq

LTC: LVgcP3zvM6dc5YhKJ5zjmkEnjCUKUWxvDh

© 2019 mugsoft

memory-maze /

release date February 25th 2015

Get it Now!

memorize-the-maze / expected  release date  March 1st 2015

walk-light / the "hi-vis" app to keep you safe!

expected release date October 2019
